Extreme Esteem
By Murray Fuhrer
4/10/16 Unfulfilled Expectations
4/18/16 The Need to Be
4/24/16 Step by Step
5/8/16 Winning the Race
5/23/16 Choices and Illusions
6/9/16 A Work in Progress
6/12/16 The Brick and the Balloon
8/16/16 Whatever We Master
8/23/16 Making a Difference
9/11/16 Building Relationships
9/18/16 Angry People
9/23/16 The Wall
9/29/16 Lorne
10/8/16 Unconscious Competence
10/20/16 Spooks Forest
10/27/16 Things of Value
11/8/16 Attachments to the Past
11/17/16 I'm here and you're safe
11/24/16 Get out of your own Way
11/30/16 Hope
12/5/16 The Comfort Zone
12/15/16 A Better Menu Selection
12/22/16 Measuring Up
12/29/16 My Great Defender
1/5/17 Opportunities
1/12/17 Clarity and Assumptions
1/19/17 Healthy Competition
1/26/17 Acquiring new Skills
2/1/17 Purging the Past
2/9/17 Confessions of a Closet Perfectionist
2/15/17 Ego Building VS Self-Esteem Building
2/22/17 Communication
3/2/17 Appearances
3/9/17 Perceptual Shift
3/15/17 The Tapestry of Self-Esteem
3/22/17 Self-Awareness
3/29/17 The Elephant in the Room
4/6/17 Negative Benefits
4/12/17 Trading Places
4/19/17 The Fruits of Open-Mindedness
4/26/17 Teachability
5/3/17 Evolve Your Brain
5/10/17 Perceptions of Safety
5/17/17 The Dream
5/25/17 The Speed of Change
5/31/17 The Scarcity Mindset
6/8/17 Treads and Risers
6/14/17 Family Dynamics
6/21/17 The Enduring Power of Friendship
6/28/17 The Power of the Moment
7/5/17 Emotional Vampires
7/12/17 Growth versus Protection
7/21/17 Purpose
7/27/17 Life isn't always fair
8/3/17 Risking
8/9/17 The Shift
8/18/17 Peeling the Onion
8/30/17 Negative Outlook = Negative Vision
9/7/17 Ego Driven
9/13/17 Firewalk with Me
9/22/17 Beliefs that Bind
9/27/17 Replenishment
10/5/17 Humour and Self-Esteem
10/12/17 Resistance
10/17/17 Self-Criticism
10/24/17 Masks
11/1/17 Imaginary Wolves
11/7/17 Re-Imagine Yourself
11/16/17 A Policy of Change
11/22/17 The Theatre of Perception
11/30/17 Unfulfillable Desire
12/12/17 Reinterpreting the Past
12/20/17 Cherish the Moment
12/27/17 Where's the fire?
1/3/18 Waiting and Wishing
1/9/18 Tuck's Story
1/17/18 What are you known for?
1/24/18 Force of Habit
1/30/18 Clearing the Mind
2/7/18 The Garden of Your Mind
2/13/18 Storm of Emotion
2/21/18 Wake Up!
3/1/18 Resistance is Futile
3/7/18 Pay it forward
3/14/18 The Way We Were
3/21/18 U-Turns
3/27/18 Lucid Living
4/4/18 Assumptions
4/11/18 A Better Strategy
4/20/18 A Cup of Coffee
4/25/18 The Art of Really Flying
5/3/18 Do You Want It or Just Need It?
5/9/18 Perseverance
5/17/18 Acceptance and Approval
5/23/18 Limitations
5/31/18 Prove it
6/6/18 Bargaining with the Past
6/13/18 Paradise Lost
6/20/18 Precious Moments
6/27/18 Living on Purpose
7/4/18 The Chuck It List
7/16/18 The Long Way Home
7/25/18 Three Teachers
8/1/18 Charity
8/8/18 Escape
8/13/18 The Wreck
8/23/18 Reflection
8/29/18 Loneliness
9/7/18 Beginner's Mind
9/11/18 Taking Perspective
9/18/18 Desperation
9/25/18 Regret
10/2/18 Making Your Mark
10/10/18 Rocks and Boulders
10/17/18 Stand Up for Yourself
10/24/18 Talents and Gifts
10/29/18 Flights of Fantasy
11/7/18 Don't Get Above Your Raisin'
11/14/18 Accountability
11/21/18 Guilty by Association
11/28/18 The Power of Reflection
12/6/18 Loneliness
12/13/18 Relics from the Past
12/14/18 Get Used To It
12/20/18 Demolition Derby
12/28/18 Editorial Comment
1/2/19 The Outsider
1/9/19 Double Standard
1/17/19 Precious Memories
1/24/19 The Book of Beliefs
1/31/19 Speak To Me
2/7/19 Approval Seeking
2/14/19 Keep Me Safe
2/20/19 The Power of Vulnerability
3/1/19 A Room Filled With Balloons
3/7/19 Ego Driven
3/14/19 Help Us Change the World
3/21/19 Defence Mechanisms
3/27/19 Delaying Gratification
4/4/19 Resisting Resistance
4/11/19 Putting Yourself Out There
4/18/19 Old Threats
4/24/19 Pando: The Power of One
5/5/19 Gaining Perspective
5/11/19 Embracing the Unexpected
5/23/19 Close Encounters
5/29/19 Earning the Right
6/6/19 If I want your advice
6/14/19 The Four Stages of Learning
6/21/19 Something from Nothing
6/26/19 Show Up Ready
7/3/19 Own Your Life!
7/12/19 Resourcefulness
7/19/19 Potential Unrealized
7/25/19 The Four Cs
8/1/19 Unleash Your Passion
8/8/19 Resentment
8/16/19 When to Persist and When to Walk Away
8/25/19 Casting Call
9/19/19 Non-Compliance
9/23/19 Self-Esteem and Parenting
10/1/19 Age and Self-Esteem
10/17/19 How to Live an Extraordinary Life
10/25/19 Self-Confidence
11/3/19 Moments of Insight
11/7/19 Hope
11/15/19 Foundations
11/23/19 Honeysuckle
12/1/19 Dark Places
12/7/19 Graduation Day
12/12/19 Appreciate the Moment
12/20/19 Illusion of Control
12/26/19 The Truth of this Moment
1/3/20 Letting Go
1/9/20 Coping with Loneliness
1/19/20 Acquisition of Wisdom
1/25/20 The Zen Zone
1/31/20 Trust
2/6/20 Resistance
2/13/20 Get to the Point
2/29/20 What is it?
3/7/20 Life is like a box of chocolates
3/7/20 Moving Away From/Drawn Toward
3/10/20 Fear of Failure
3/10/20 Fear of Failure
3/13/20 Planting Good Seeds
3/17/20 Moving Away From/Drawn Toward
3/20/20 Your Best Investment
3/28/20 Chronic Illness & Self Esteem
4/4/20 Strategies
4/10/20 Knowledge into Wisdom
4/18/20 Garnering Attention
4/25/20 The Victim Mentality
5/3/20 Storytelling
5/10/20 Compassion
5/20/20 Fight or Flight
5/24/20 The Good Parent
6/6/20 Adaptability
6/16/20 Uncommon Courtesy
6/23/20 Bad Karma
6/28/20 Cultivating Contentment
7/6/20 The Power of Acknowledgement
7/26/20 Why should I care?
8/4/20 Do You Remember Me?
8/12/20 Rekindle Your Curiosity
8/17/20 The Treasure Chest
8/30/20 Diversions and Distractions
9/7/20 Self-Serving
9/16/20 Taken Advantage Of
9/27/20 Does that sound like me?
10/5/20 Hey, please notice me
10/17/20 Spatial Relation
10/24/20 Make friends with Fear
11/4/20 Monotony
11/16/20 What did you expect?
11/21/20 Out-of-Control Freaks
11/28/20 Bloom Where You’re Planted
12/6/20 Brilliant Ideas
12/15/20 False Impressions
12/24/20 Choosing Greatness
12/31/20 Reasons and Lessons
1/7/21 Compliance
1/14/21 Building Better Boundaries
1/21/21 Journalling
1/26/21 Temper Your Temper
2/5/21 The People We Admire
2/13/21 Are you listening?
2/20/21 Happy Endings
2/24/21 Sexy Self-Esteem
3/3/21 Inappropriate Behaviour
3/10/21 Emotional Abuse
3/21/21 Understanding Homeostasis
3/27/21 The Healing Power of Human Touch
4/8/21 Perseverance
4/18/21 Getting Unstuck
4/21/21 An Unused Life
5/1/21 Biased Filmmaking
5/8/21 Jumpstart
5/16/21 Live Your Passion
5/21/21 Breaking the Rules
5/27/21 Meditation
6/5/21 Financial Self-Esteem
6/14/21 Self-Esteem & Job Performance
7/4/21 Slip Sliding Away
7/12/21 Anecdotal Evidence
7/19/21 A Changeless Core
7/29/21 A Life of Reaction
8/5/21 Please Stand Up
8/12/21 Keeping Your Balance
8/19/21 Anxiety
9/5/21 Emotional Baggage
9/12/21 Indispensability
9/17/21 Automatic Compliance
9/24/21 Dark Tunnels
9/30/21 Testing the Fence
10/6/21 Pay it forward
10/14/21 Is Patience Out-of-Date?
10/20/21 Grateful People
10/26/21 Camera Shy
11/15/21 A Good Listener
11/26/21 Embracing the Unexpected
11/30/21 Perception
12/8/21 The Seeker’s Path
12/16/21 Storytelling
12/22/21 Self-Esteem & Career Choice
12/29/21 Living a Better Life Story
1/6/22 False Wisdom
1/14/22 A Pocketful of Hope
1/21/22 Unrealistic Expectations
1/27/22 The Power of Gratitude
2/3/22 The Art of Listening
2/10/22 To Please the People
2/17/22 When the Pieces No Longer Fit
2/23/22 Hopelessness
3/3/22 Incompatibility
3/10/22 Fear of Failure
3/24/22 Moving Away From/Drawn Toward
3/30/22 As Easy as Riding a Bike!
4/4/22 Be Like a Dog with a Bone
4/13/22 What’s Your Motivation?
4/20/22 Who’s to Blame?
4/30/22 Thank You for the Compliment
5/8/22 Lessons from the Bottle Depot
5/15/22 A World of Illusion
5/29/22 The Search for Self-Worth
5/29/22 The Search for Self-Worth
6/12/22 Writing a Better Life Story
6/15/22 Glorious Solitude
6/26/22 Understanding Choice & Consequences
7/10/22 Back to the Basics
7/19/22 Integration
7/26/22 Kowtowing and Subservience
8/4/22 Self-Esteem and a Better Memory
8/14/22 Thank you for being a Friend
8/25/22 Face it, deal with it and get over it!
9/4/22 Love and Self-Esteem
9/14/22 Self-Esteem & Fear of Failure
9/21/22 Self-Esteem Hacks
10/2/22 Learning to Smile Again
10/11/22 Perfectionism
10/18/22 Unnecessary Suffering
10/27/22 Speeding Through Life
11/5/22 What's the Attraction?
11/17/22 Requiem for the Nice Guy
11/29/22 Blame it on Bad Karma
12/19/22 The Power of Awe
1/2/23 Guilty as Charged
1/12/23 Early Programming
1/23/23 Reinforcement of Belief
1/30/23 What Do You Really, Truly Want?
2/7/23 Putting the “self” in responsibility
2/12/23 Clarifying Expectations
2/21/23 Effecting Change
2/28/23 Practice and Reflection
3/9/23 Masks and Secrets
3/20/23 The Pros and Cons of Excessive Niceness
3/29/23 Warning: Old Pattern Initiated
4/13/23 Building a Better Ego
4/19/23 Avoiding Conflict/Averting Criticism
4/27/23 Being Judgmental
5/8/23 Healing Childhood Trauma
5/16/23 The Search for Happiness
5/30/23 Making Mistakes
6/8/23 What did you Expect?
7/3/23 Transcending Hopelessness
7/11/23 A Victim of Victims
7/19/23 Could you please move!?
7/31/23 Appearances
8/8/23 What’s Your Story?
8/20/23 Small Things Can Make a Big Difference
8/31/23 Blissful Ignorance
9/8/23 The Power of Kindness
9/19/23 The Price of Entitlement
9/27/23 The Enduring Power of Friendship
10/4/23 Perceptual Shift
10/9/23 Gaslighting: The Silent Assassin of Self-Esteem
10/22/23 The Power of Risking
10/29/23 Undiscussables: The Elephant in the Room
11/5/23 Deficiency Thinking
11/25/23 Reconciliation
12/7/23 Echoes of the Past
12/16/23 That's not fair!
12/27/23 The Quiet Battle: Overcoming an Inferiority Complex
1/4/24 The Search for Admirable Qualities
1/18/24 Passion & Purpose
1/25/24 Self-Esteem Versus Self-Confidence
2/2/24 Life Outside Your Comfort Zone
2/9/24 Self-Pity & Self Comparison
2/18/24 Self-Pity & Self-Esteem
2/26/24 Self-Esteem & Work
3/1/24 The Illusion of Perfectionism
3/11/24 Emotional Replenishment
3/18/24 Ode to Count Dracula
4/2/24 People Change
4/18/24 Condemned by a Fool
5/5/24 Embarrassment and Self-Esteem
5/15/24 Long Gone and Forgotten
5/23/24 Journey’s End
6/5/24 Beliefs that Bind
6/13/24 Peeling the Onion
6/17/24 Winning the Race
6/25/24 Incompatibilities
7/8/24 Seven Things Most People Take a Lifetime to Learn
7/15/24 Changing the World
7/29/24 The Way It Looks
8/7/24 Compliments
8/15/24 The Strangest Secret
8/26/24 The Way We See It
9/10/24 Passion vs. Commitment
10/2/24 Uprooting Core Beliefs
10/15/24 Leaving Your Imprint: The Power of Your Influence
10/28/24 The Devastating Effects of Sibling Abuse
11/9/24 The Transformational Impact of Warrior Training
11/20/24 Reasons for Being
11/26/24 Open Your Eyes!
12/11/24 Emotional Abuse
1/2/25 Early Childhood Experiences
1/7/25 Building Bridges
1/12/25 Defence Mechanisms
1/15/25 Taking Perspective
1/28/25 Being a Highly Sensitive Person
2/4/25 Two Faces of Hope
2/12/25 Emotionally Immature Language
2/18/25 The Paradox of Living: A Self-Esteem Perspective
2/28/25 Delaying Gratification
3/8/25 Joy Faces
3/19/25 The Lie That Whispers: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
3/26/25 The Carnival Watch